3 Ways to Practice Confidence With Your Family

Building the virtue of confidence in our children is SO very important, especially given the digital world we live in where comparison is everywhere. If you are looking for ways to practice this as a...

The Ripple Effect of Kindness: A lesson for our children (and ourselves)

In a world that often seems tumultuous and uncertain, there is one force that holds consistent, immense power—the force of kindness. Kindness isn't just a pleasant gesture; it's a ripple that emanates from one person...

What Is Wrong With Punishment?

As parents, we want nothing more than for our children to “do the right thing and act the right way.” The norm for most of society is to fall into “punishment” mode. Parents feel that...

Problem Solve Together As A Family

Working together as a family to solve problems can be very effective and strengthen family bonds as well as give the child an opportunity to problem solve. When you find solutions together as a family...

Bedtime Hassles and Solutions

Ah, the dreaded bedtime hassle. Most of us have been down this road and it has worn us and our child plain out. So, how do we stay positive when our child flat out refuses...

Exploring the Distinction Between Virtues and Values

Parenting through Virtues and Values is something that is meaningful to me. So what exactly are Virtues and Values, and what is the difference between the two? These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they have distinct...

Parenting Through Love

I talk a lot about parenting through love. But we all LOVE our children, right!?? Parenting is a journey filled with joys and challenges, and when I talk about parenting through love, I'm referring to the profound and...

Encouraging a love for reading

Encouraging a love for reading in children can have numerous benefits for their intellectual and emotional development. Sometimes this takes time, and helping them to find books they love will help them fall in love...

Leading by Example

As parents, we hold a profound responsibility to shape the future of our children. While offering guidance and wisdom is essential, there's a hidden gem in parenting that often speaks louder than words: modeling the behavior we want...